There are many paths to Spiritual Peace and Fulfillment.
I am honored to Support you on yours.
How can I help?
Please contact me
For a spiritual message/sermon for your congregation.
To help plan and Officiate your Wedding!
For support with other special ceremonies, including Memorial Services; Baby Blessings; New Home or Business Blessings.
If your special event could use a thought-provoking message or workshop.
My personal theology and spiritual path
I cherish my direct connection with Divine Presence—the Source and Creator of All that is.
I was brought up in the Unitarian church, and love the emphasis on individual worth and dignity, social justice activism, and support for the rights of All Life.
I attended an Interfaith Seminary in New York (finished in 2003) and am in awe of the variety of ways that individuals and communities observe and celebrate the mystery of Life.
I discovered Unity in 2003 and found myself feeling totally at home with its culture and practices of prayer, meditation, and celebration of the Divine within each one of us.
Send me a personal message.